
Although it's a small site, there are a lot of assets throughout the site that I've borrowed from other individuals. Take some time to look through them and make sure to check their stuff out!



  • Candy Bean by Chequered Ink
    Location(s) used: Headers & titles
  • Inter (Google Font) by Rasmus Andersson
    Location(s) used: Headers, titles, general text, etc.

Images & Iconography

  • Heartbeat by Stockio
    Location(s) used: The Amends logo
  • Spotify icon by Freepik
    Location(s) used: Footer & Audio Player component
  • Github icon by Pixel perfect
    Location(s) used: Footer
  • Pinky promise (modified) by Sasha Sash
    Location(s) used: Blog posts & page signatures
  • Menu icon by Victor Winnhed
    Location(s) used: Navbar
Two hands making a pinky promise with lighting being emitted by the gesture.